Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Eye of the River (03.05.08 - 05.05.08)

Molopo Oog (river eye) is a river where Michelle's family have a holiday house and where she spent many a weekend partying with the boys from the other cabins. It is private land where a number of families have built little thatched roofed houses that look remarkably Dutch to me. We slept in the roof of one which caused havoc on my sinuses.

On the Saturday night we celebrated Annalize's 50th birthday with around 50 relies and friends. South Africans know how to drink and I think everyone was sloshed before sundown and sported some serious hangovers the next day. There is a deadly drink called Mampoer which you would be well advised to stay clear of – rocket fuel. South Africans have now seen a side of Jon I would have preferred stayed in Australia – his infamous dance. I fear it is coming on tour with us!

Sunday after a massive brunch we went canoeing up the river to its source where you can apparently see bubbles coming out of the ground. All I saw was a sandwich! We had a race back but Jon rowed us into the reeds. That arvo we went to Lichtenberg the town where Michelle's mum comes from and where her Oma lives. You have to drive back before dark due to the biggest pot holes you have ever seen. On the way back to the river we passed a serious accident – wouldn't be surprised if all the passengers died.

That night we ate a traditional dish called Potjie – meat and veggies cooked in a cast iron pot over the camp fire for 3 hours. Not surprisingly we ate rather late. It is great here you don't have to clean up after yourselves as the maids do it all (we are not exploiting people - they rely on it for their incomes). The next day we were up nice and early to go hunting. Off to Bosveld via a Giraffe in a field and a whole lot of baboons.

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